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About Us
The company specializes in small - holding, primarily turn key forest product and service provision. JCHL specializes in natural resources management, planted and natural forests management, timber harvesting and value addition (sawmilling, seasoning of timber and carpentry work from planted forests mainly). JCHL endeavours to minimize the carbon footprint in all stages of production, use and trade, through reducing waste and increasing productivity. The following are the key competences:
Promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Providing advisory services on natural resources management, forestry and the use of forest products from known and sustainable sources. Also promote the use of technology to increase productivity in environmental and natural resources and reduce wastage.
The firm undertakes consultancy in Policy & Legal review, Environmental planning and management (at strategic and local level), Forestry, Conservation/Environmental Education, Agriculture, Program management, Community development, Hospitality industry, food security and improvement of community livelihoods, Law, business management and corporate governance.
Seedling production and sales (distribution) to individuals or through framework contracts. Over 6,500,000 assorted seedlings (timber, fruits, and agroforestry species) have been supplied by JC Holdings Ltd. for restoring the degraded areas mainly in Northern Uganda since 2007.
Planted forest establishment and management on need basis.
Processing of planted forest products (including small scale smallholder sawmilling, timber seasoning) using a very efficient mobile sawmill with over 50% recovery and sales of biomass energy.
Production of furniture (using either hardwood or soft wood) and the timbers are from known plantation sources which can be verified.
Sales of seasoned timber, poles, fruits, firewood/biomass energy.
Our Team

Major Contracts Handled by JC Holdings Limited